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Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence Don’t Despair, You
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Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction or ED affects one in five men, with 30 million suffering from the disorder in the United States alone. Until the introduction of Viagra, the issue was often discussed behind closed bedroom doors, if at all.
It’s one of the most disheartening ailments that can disrupt the intimate life of a couple and lead to emotional and relationship issues.
Here’s a look at the causes, symptoms, and some treatment options that have proved promising, but first…
What is impotence?
Impotence is defined as the incapacity to achieve or maintain an erection. The ailment may be a result of other physical maladies or psychological issues. Patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction experience the disorder in varying levels of intensity.
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People who suffer from a milder form of the condition will experience successful erections 8 out of 10 times while people who suffer from moderate impotence experience an erection 4 to 6 times out of 10 but people who are afflicted by a more severe case may not experience an erection at all or just 3 times out of 10.
Men who suffer from ED often complain of loss of self esteem, depression, lack of self confidence, anxiety and relationship problems. The likelihood increases to 40% in men aged 40 and above and by 65% in men over the age of 65. There are several issues that may lead to this problem.
The Causes of Impotence:
Underlying Health Issues: 50% of men who suffer from diabetes are known to develop impotence within 10 years of being diagnosed with the disease. Often the inability to maintain an erection turns out to be a symptom of diabetes. Drugs used for high blood pressure control and hyper thyroidism such as Beta Blockers are also known to cause erectile dysfunction in men. Other physical ailments that can cause the condition include: glandular issues such thyroid ailments, injury to the scrotum or the penis area or surgical procedures may lead to a temporary inability to have an erection.
Lifestyle Issues: people who use recreational drugs are susceptible to ED. Also certain prescription drugs used in the treatment of depression are known to lead to erectile dysfunction. People who are heavy smokers stand a higher chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Psychological Issues: Alcohol abuse, negative conditioning, anxiety over sexual performance, fear of loss of erection, marital issues may all lead to this form of sexual dysfunction.
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Symptom of Erectile Dysfunction:
- Inability to have an erection
- Inability to maintain an erection long enough for sexual pleasure
- Decrease in the ability to get aroused with a partner or even when masturbating
Diagnosis is usually made by the physician based on a series of questions.
Treatment for Impotence:
If impotence is a result of prescription drugs such as medications used to control high blood pressure, stopping the drug in question will help to relieve the symptoms. Many physicians will also recommend therapy to treat erectile dysfunction. Drugs such as sildenafil citrate (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis) are often prescribed.
However, it has been observed that simple penis exercises and natural herbal pills are often the most powerful form of treatment; these preparations are natural and safe and have helped many men to achieve and maintain an erection.